We are a vibrant and motivated business and offer a fantastic career opportunity and thorough training and development. We encourage team work and a platform to earn an excellent financial package.
What We Offer
Ruella James is proud to offer a supportive, professional working culture and an industry leading training and development program, alongside limitless career prospects and excellent earning potential. In addition, we offer a range of benefits to further your professional outlook whilst working at Ruella James.
Giving Something Back
We are passionate about limiting the impact which our business operations have on the environment, so in an effort to limit our carbon footprint, we encourage home-working for our staff, limiting travel emissions, whilst also improving the natural landscape and offsetting carbon emissions with the Ruella James Grove, our new tree-planting initiative. To do our part for the planet, Ruella James are regularly planting seedlings in a Sussex venue throughout this year. An average tree can absorb five to ten kilograms of carbon dioxide each year, so we're growing the Ruella James Grove to help tackle global warming and support the development of the natural environment in Britain.